Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Endless Conversing

Your friendship has become
Salve to soothe my troubled soul.
Who would have known
You were out there, knowing me
And I knowing you, although
We only now just met?
My mind and heart
Run rampant with things to say
To inform you of all details of life
And yet words mean nothing.
My soul talks to yours
In language all its own
Words are only punctuation
To endless conversing.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fell from my Own Grace

I irresponsibly fell from my own grace.

The pedestal I constructed for myself

Lost its stability and I came tumbling

To the hard earth.

Setting unattainable standards

For myself and others

Yet always having hope

That neither of us will falter.

What is it within me

That strives to succeed, and then

Pushes the finish line further away

Just as my proud heart nears it?

Perhaps it’s the internal drive

To pursue, to challenge, to dream, and

Of never wanting to be someone

Who did not live up to their potential.