Saturday, October 30, 2010

Today Only


What if I told you that tomorrow I may not love you?
Would you still enjoy my company tonight?
Tomorrow I may not be beautiful, or gracious, or coy.....
Would you still be with me today?

Could you possibly appreciate me without the vision
Of a future together -
Without counting on me to supply you
With what you need?

Could you, in this moment,
Revel in my smile?
Feel the comfort of my warmth,
And not count on me
To fulfill anything for you tomorrow?

How difficult is it
For you to live in this moment?
To suspend all expectations
And just rest in this experience?

How easy is it
To only think that in this instance
and TO HELL with
What the next moment may contain?

If you can be with me now,
Sit with me,
Laugh with me,
Let your heart sing with me,
And not judge, expect, or project
Onto me....
Your company is welcome...
I'll even save you a seat.